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Declaration of Data Protection


We know that a careful use of your personal details is important for you. We therefore appreciate very much your confidence that INTER-NOTE deals conscientiously with these details. With this declaration you give us your consent that INTER-NOTE can collect, process and use your hereinafter mentioned personal data for the herein mentioned purposes. The consent can, at any time, be withdrawn.



The responsibility pursuant to the Federal Data protection Act lies with INTER-NOTE; represented by Jens Schlichting, Siebenbürgerhof 6 in D-69469 Hirschberg, Germany.

The INTER-NOTE company as contractor undertakes the obligation to treat the personal data confidentially which were transmitted for use and to use and process them pursuant to § 11 para. 3 of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) only upon instructions of the customer. It is not allowed to further use or process the transmitted documents. The contractor takes appropriate technical and organizational security measures to secure the compliance with the regulations of the BDSG (§ 9 BDSG), especially to exclude the possibility that third persons obtain knowledge, manipulate or steal data.

Statistical interpretation of data

In connection with your access to our website, we will store for security reasons the data transmitted from your browser in our Server Log Files which could make possible an identification (e.g. type of browser, version of browser, operating system, IP-address, date, hour and pages used). A personal use will not be made. The statistical interpretation of anonymous data is made with the purpose to improve the quality of our offer and to pursue misuse.


Anonymous utilization

On principle, you can use our online-offer without disclosing your identity. Only when you send an order do we ask you to transmit us your personal data as for instance name, address, etc.

Disclosure of Data

We disclose accounts of customers and personal data concerning customers if we are legally obliged to do so or if such a disclosure becomes necessary (i.e. payment by credit card/direct debiting, printing and dispatch), in order to assert our General Conditions or other agreements or to secure our rights or the rights of our customers and of third persons. This comprises a data exchange with companies which are specialized in prophylaxis and minimization of misuse and fraud committed with credit cards. We point out explicitly that in this context the transmission of data to these companies for economic use, which is in contradiction to this declaration of data protection, will not be made.

Data security

  • To secure the security of your data when transmitted, we use Secure Sockets Layer Software (SSL). This software encodes the data transmitted by you.
  • When confirming an order, we disclose only the last five figures of your account number or credit card number. Of course, during the order processing, we transmit your full credit card number or account number to the responible payment firm.
  • We take physical, electronical and procedural security measures in connection with the collection, storage and disclosure of personal data of our customers. These security measures make it necessary that we ask you, from time to time, to prove your identity before we disclose your personal data.
  • It is important for you to insure yourself that no unauthorized access to your password and to your computer is made. If you share your computer with other persons you should pay attention that you log out yourself after each session.
  • We store your data on specially secured servers in Germany. The access thereto is only possible for specially authorized persons who are involved with the technical, commercial or editorial control of the server.


Some of the functions applied on this page (i.e. login) store cookies. Cookies are small parcels of text which are transmitted from your browser to a web-site. In order to be able to use some offers, you have to admit cookies. If the warning should not be given every time, you can deactivate. No personal data are stored in the cookies but native numbers for identification are used.

Our company is growing and changing permanently. The declaration of data protection and our utilization conditions also change. We reserve the right to send you from time to time notifications about the stipulations in force in our firm. However, you should visit periodically our website to take notice of changes. As far as not otherwise stipulated the utilization of all data which we hold from you as well as from our customer account is subject to this declaration of data protection. We assure, that any necessary changes, which would lead to less data protection, will only take place with the consent of the customers concerned.

 Upon request, each customer has the possibility to control the settlement of his order with the contractor, for instance his operational Commissioner for data protection. See also § 11 para2 sentence 4 BDSG.

Moreover, the other stipulation and instructions are effective. We are quite prepared to establish a complete written order relationship and determine the rights, competence and obligations of the customer and the contractor (see § 11 para. 2 sentence 2 BDSG and No. 6 of the enclosure to § 9 BDSG)


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